DEsign Driven innovation and sustAinability in grassroots sport cLUbS

DEDALUS concrete implementation: stories from workshops


The project scope is promoting design driven innovation and sustainability in grassroots sport clubs both facilities and activities.

 Project aims at:

    • tackling the challenge of improving sustainability in grassroots sport clubs, by actuating an experimental open innovation environment at pilot sport clubs (In Italy, Portugal, and Turkey), where young designers, students of architecture meet sport managers and together co-create feasible solutions
    • providing sport clubs managers and owners with design driven innovation approaches to face daily sustainable challenges, with very limited financial resources
    • giving designers the opportunity to make themselves known by their community and potential future customers, demonstrating that civic and sporting participation also represents a lever for the growth of skills and work inclusion

DEsign Driven innovation and sustAiability in grassroots sport cLUbS



Latest news from the Project

Post disaster intervention strategies; DEDALUS outcomes presentation in Malatya

After the earthquake in our partner SPELL's (TK) city last year, the post-earthquake recovery process requires a long-term effort.

Rethink innovative solutions in post-disaster environments

A group of young Italian designers opened a collaborative dialogue with sports clubs in Turkey and the SPELL association.

Dedalus Workshop held in Malatya, Türkiye

On June 15, our project partner from Turkey, the Sports Ambassadors Association, met with Physical Education teachers, Architects and Sports Club Managers.


Funded by the European Union

 Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.